Common Questions Answered - Buying & Selling

What do you buy and what do you pay on items?

We buy most home electronics, gaming systems, games, jewelry and gold, coin collections, and collectibles.

We pay on average, 60% of retail on high demand items and 30% on low demand items. If there is no current retail value, we determine value based on Marketplace, Kijiji, Ebay, and other online sources. We will match or beat any proven competitor's quote and we always offer free pick up of your item(s).

What don't you buy?

At this time we will not be buying in the following items:

  • Most DVD and VHS titles 
  • PS2 and Xbox Games
  • Compact Discs CDs
  • Wii Systems
  • TV's older then 5 years
  • Laptops older then 7 years
  • Desktop computers older then 4 years
  • Cell phones older then 3 years
  • Costume and gold plated jewelry
  • I-pods and MP3 players
  • Most clothing and appliances


We will still accept the above mentioned items but they will be assigned no value and will likely be donated or scrapped. 

What are you specifically looking to buy?

Newer game systems and games, Newer home electronics and phones, mostly all gold and silver, newer laptops, tablets, and computers, vintage gaming systems and games (mostly Nintendo), high demand collectible items, unusual and unique items, some blu-rays, and other higher demand items. If you are unsure about an item, contact us and we will be happy to assess a value.

What is your Buy-Back option about?

When you sell items to us, you will be offered the option to buy back the item(s). This allows you to buy back your items within 30 days at a 30% mark-up.

For example, if you sell a TV to us for $100 and choose this option, we will allow you 30 days to buy it back for $130 before we list it for sale. If you require an additional 30 days, there is a $20 flat rate renewal fee and the markup remains the same. After 60 days, if the item still has not been bought back, the option expires, and the item is forfeited by you and sold. Renewal fee will not be refunded. 

How do I sell my item(s)?

Contact us directly at (705) 955-9653 or fill out the PQR "Purchase Quote Request" form which can be found on our main page. 

NOTE: All merchandise is stored safely and securely in our local warehouse on Progress Drive. No customers are permitted on the premises at any time. The store is operated 100% online only. All items in our care are fully insured by us and remotely monitored with video surveillance and alarms.